Aerianna's page

This is the overview page for Aerianna’s section of the site.

Aerianna should think up some good content to put here.

Update - maybe Aerianna should tell me what page she wants this to forward to, so people just find her there.

24th birthday:
Days | Hrs | Min | Sec
new haiku raincoats
for Aerianna Southwick
(substitute letters)
     _/\_       __/\__
     ) . (_    _) .' (
     `) '.(   ) .'  (`
      `-._\(_ )/__(~`
          )             `-.______
         /                       `---._
        ( ,// )                        \
         `''\/-.                      X )    P.S.:
                \                       )       I M A Moosebutt.
                 |      ___________     )
                 |  |  |           (   (
                 |  |  |            (   )
                 |  |  |            |(  )
                /   |   \          / /  |
Aerianna, "Moosebutt". March 1993. ASCII on electrons. 64×15.

Related info:

This box may one day hold a related link, so you could then follow it.

Still not blah?

Blah a [blah] at Blah.


I Got Mine @ GeneBiondo .com!
Push2Check Download: Fast, Fun, Awesome
^Back to the top

Why should I even bother to put a footer here?  Blah blah blah, legal mumbo jumbo and so forth. You actually read this thing?  If you’re so smart, what should I put here?